Das "Peaceful-Guitar" Projekt – VK als Richard Du Maurier mit sanften friedvollen Klängen und Melodien auf der Konzertgitarre.
Auf Spotify veröffentlicht sind die Tracks:
Desert Breeze
After All These Years
The Story Of Robert Strife
Richard Du Maurier may be a new name for the lovers of Instrumental Music on Classical Guitar around the world, but to insiders of Germany´s music, media scene and the field of Musicology the man behind this name – Volkmar Kramarz – has been familiar for many years. After all his bearer has left his traces in this scene on different levels almost simultaneously: As a member of a number of rock groups and a well requested session crack, as a popular author of articles and books of music, as a well known radio deejay and last but not least as a teacher on the University of Bonn.
He started his musical life at the age of ten, when he was given his first guitar back in the wild Sixties. And though the man has earned himself an academic title and has given his musical talent a solid foundation through a conservatory and university education, the sounds he coaxes out of his guitar are everything but academic: His playing is emotional, juicy and charged with energy and a deep feeling.
Für den BonnBuchVerlag hat Volkmar Kramarz hunderte historische Aufnahmen von Beuel aufgestöbert, gesichtet und zu einem wundervollen Bildband zusammengestellt.
"Peaceful Guitar"
Volkmar Kramarz ist Tutor bei diversen Kursen von Jamflix
Aktuelle Single "Solstice"
out now!!
Volkmar Kramarz ist Gitarrist bei